My Car Was Egged Last Night and It Was a Lesson in Parenting
It's October, these things happen (although a little surprised it happens this early in the month. Payback, I suppose, for my egg and toilet papering ways as a kid). The little 20 month old dude and I had been having a great morning, and it was while carrying him and his car seat out to the vehicle that I saw that a pair of eggs had splattered on the driver's side window and door. Ugh...
After loading everyone and everything successfully into the car, which of course smelled a little bit of egg, I found myself being a bit of a crankypants. It was then that I looked into the backseat and saw Theo just obliviously looking out the window. "Parenthood Lesson #1 is to never let your problems be your child's problems" I thought to myself. I turned on the radio and the Morning Waking Crew were laughing and Frankie Ballard's Sunshine and Whiskey was just starting. A quick reach back to squeeze his belly for a giggle and away we went having a great morning once again!