Save A Lot Of Money On Your Prescription With This App
Everyone complains about the cost of medicine. Me included...until now. I was doing some research, looking for a generic alternative to a medicine I take, when I ran across Blink Health.
Their website says you can save up to 95% on prescriptions at your local pharmacy. It's free to use, and there's no membership. Being skeptical of anything that sounds too goo to be true, I thought there had to be a catch. So I Googled them and read every article I could find. I even watched a segment from NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt about Blink Health.
If it's legit enough for Lester to be talking about it, I thought I should look into it a little further. So I called Blink Health's customer service line. They told me that if you order through them, odds are good that you'll get a generic brand of your medicine. However, if your particular medication doesn't have a generic equal...then you'll get the real thing...and still save a bundle of money.
So how does it work? Well from what I understand, it cuts out the middle man. Blink Health deals directly with the pharmaceutical companies, negotiates a better price than your insurance company can, and passes the savings on to you. You order on their website or on the app, pay for it online, and take your prescription to the pharmacy of your choice...they work with all of the national chains except Walgreens...and pick up your order. You don't pay anything at the pharmacy because you've already paid on line. And you don't use your insurance.
Well after hearing all of that I was convinced enough to give it a try. I downloaded the app, found my medicine at a HUGE savings...a third of the price I paid last time. And it's NOT generic. Just like they said...I went to the pharmacy and picked up my medication. No hassle at all.
And just so you know...I'm not being paid or compensated in any way for this blog post. I just discovered the website. Liked what I saw and used it. I don't claim to be an expert on insurance, and medication...but I do like to save money. Blink Health definitely saved me over $500. So if it worked for me, I thought it was worth telling you about it.