Skaters, Get Your Wheels Ready: Skate Park Slated to Open in Dover
Skaters delight.
According to, the new Dover Skatepark is slated to begin construction in the summer of 2020. That means that the park could see a 2020 fall opening!
Site preparations have already begun at Guppey Park, the news article stated.
Because of waterfront development, the skate park at River Street needed to find a new home. The community has had a lot of support for this new skatepark.
It’s important that the skaters have a safe place to skate and gather which keeps them from skating where it might not be safe.
I think it’s a great idea to get like-minded kids outside doing something healthy like skating. Back in the day, I loved going to the roller rink to hang with my friends, but this is even better because you are outside.
I can’t wait to see it, although my skating days are over I love watching these kids defy gravity on the boards.