Swarm of Ladybugs Freaks Out New Hampshire Woman
We all love ladybugs, right?
Have one land on your finger, make a wish and blow the cute little bug back to freedom. But all things in moderation.
7NewsBoston is reporting on a Nottingham, New Hampshire, woman who no longer thinks ladybugs are cute. Heather Figueroa reportedly went on a routine pizza run when her mother-in-law called to tell her about a massive swarm of bugs at her home.
“They’re just flying everywhere,” she said in the video from7NewsBoston. “It’s like the attack of the ladybugs."
Ladybugs are known to swarm on occasion in the Northeast during the fall season, but this was rather unexpected.
The bugs are cute, but so are squirrels and I wouldn’t want to run into hundreds of them in front of my home either!
Legend has it the ladybugs bring you luck, so Heather Figueroa should run out right now and buy a lottery ticket.
ON a personal note, my wife handles all the bugs I encounter. And spiders. I am absolutely terrified of insects and probably would have stayed in a hotel and let my wife deal with it if it happened to me.