Have you ever noticed your doggo's nose changing colors out of nowhere? Maybe you've noticed it looking more brown than usual? There's actually a reason for that.
If you're just as surprised as me right now, here's some facts you may not have known about this breed that may help you understand why they're so loved.
I do believe that everybody has experienced this heart-dropping, panic explosion you feel in your stomach when you figure out your dog got out the front door and booked it down the street. Well, it happened yesterday WHILE I WAS AT WORK!
Maine's mannerisms and catchphrases are easy for outsiders to pick up on. Let's be honest, if you live here long enough, you're going to end up acting at least one of these ways. Tell me I'm wrong!
I'd argue that the state of Maine is a fantastic place to raise a family no matter what town you choose. But this one city really stood out, and was featured among the top 15 best cities to raise a family in.
You may have seen this familiar handsome K9 by the name of Kari in the Bangor International Airport, keeping your flights safe. Well, he's now a national model!