Stop scrolling, put down the phone, and pay attention. Just a few of the things road workers hope for on a daily basis. This week spotlight these, and other safety concerns.
Despite rumors to the contrary, the Maine Department of Transportation say the new Sarah Mildred Long Bridge is "safe and operational."
According to the Union Leader, the often delayed bridge, originally slated to open late summer of last year, was commissioned in January...
Wanna be Mr. Plow? Maine has openings for that! A LOT of them.
Northern New England has been pelted with two storms already, and a long season will certainly wear on the fleet of plow drivers. According to a report by WGME, Maine currently has a 700 drivers on staff, but they still need over 90 more...
If you or someone you know uses the Massachusetts Turnpike, you need to be aware that come Friday night, electronic tolling will be in place, meaning no more toll booths!