
Should New Hampshire Ban Christmas Lights Past January 25th?
Should New Hampshire Ban Christmas Lights Past January 25th?
Should New Hampshire Ban Christmas Lights Past January 25th?
You're driving through a neighborhood, and see Christmas lights. That was December. Now, it's mid January. What's the first thought that comes to your mind? Hey, you may like it, but doesn't seem a little weird? If political signs have a post election shelf life, how about giant Snoopy inflatables...
Don't Smoke? This Company Will Give You Time Off
Don't Smoke? This Company Will Give You Time Off
Don't Smoke? This Company Will Give You Time Off
Have you ever felt like smokers are getting a free ride at work on their smoke breaks? It's a beautiful day outside, and they're out their socializing with fellow smokers multiple times out of the day. They must kill what, an hour a day out there...