10 Slang Terms Mainers Use That Out-of-Staters Don't Understand10 Slang Terms Mainers Use That Out-of-Staters Don't UnderstandHere are some of my favorites, along with a few that I heard as a kid that I'd like to add.Jeff ParsonsJeff Parsons
Website Gets Maine's 'Most Popular Slang Term' Incredibly WrongWebsite Gets Maine's 'Most Popular Slang Term' Incredibly WrongHow does this website choose a Southern slang term as Maine's top pick? You can't even say this term without a southern accent.Chris SedenkaChris Sedenka
Most People in the US Couldn't Figure Out This Simple Maine SlangMost People in the US Couldn't Figure Out This Simple Maine Slang88% of people could not understand Maine's slang terms. Yah, bub!Lori VoornasLori Voornas
Nobody But New Englanders Understand What This Sh*t Phrase MeansNobody But New Englanders Understand What This Sh*t Phrase MeansEveryone knows that 'wicked' is a regional thing, but did you realize a popular sh*t phrase is completely unknown to people outside New England?JoeyJoey
15 New Hampshire Phrases Out-of-Towners Don't Understand15 New Hampshire Phrases Out-of-Towners Don't UnderstandWe have our own language, and outsiders are jelly (or should I say "fluff-ah-nuttah"?).KiraKira
You Won’t Believe What Maine’s Most Common Slang Term IsYou Won’t Believe What Maine’s Most Common Slang Term IsMainers have a way with words—not necessarily a good way, but still, a way with words nonetheless.Jordan VergeJordan Verge
How Well Do You Know Maine Slang? How Well Do You Know Maine Slang? Take the 'How Well Do You Know Maine' quiz. If you're from here, you should do fairly well, but it's not quite as easy as some may think. RobRob
A Guide to Understanding Directions Given in Maine Slang TermsA Guide to Understanding Directions Given in Maine Slang TermsWhat exactly does "drive down there a little ways" mean?JaddJadd
Most People in the US Could Not Figure Out This Maine SlangMost People in the US Could Not Figure Out This Maine SlangMaine came in as the most misunderstood state in a new study!Lori VoornasLori Voornas
Learn to Speak Like a Mainer With These 45 Mainah WordsLearn to Speak Like a Mainer With These 45 Mainah WordsWe polled Mainers and asked them what words they would want to be added as an official word to the English language. Here are the top 45 choices.The CaptainThe Captain
This College Common App Lesson for New Englanders is One You’ll Never ForgetThis College Common App Lesson for New Englanders is One You’ll Never ForgetA local high school English teacher provided this nugget of wisdom that we're now passing on to you.MegMeg
The Word People Want Banished In New HampshireThe Word People Want Banished In New HampshireI'll keep it 100 bae...it's a full-time job trying to stay current on the new words without getting triggered.Bill FoxBill Fox
Grab a Brewski, Sit Your Bippy Down. These Slang Words Are Da Bomb Fo Shizzle.Grab a Brewski, Sit Your Bippy Down. These Slang Words Are Da Bomb Fo Shizzle.I have two teenage sons...and there are times I have no idea what language they're speaking. Bill FoxBill Fox
Slang Terms That WOKQ Listeners Have Been Known To Use And What They MeanSlang Terms That WOKQ Listeners Have Been Known To Use And What They MeanThese words may be commonplace to you but when you use them somewhere aside from where you are from, people stare at you like you just sprouted antennas. KiraKira