Teen Accused of Desecrating Plymouth Rock Will Face 11 Felony Counts
Ahead of the 400th anniversary, police found their suspect after sifting through 'hours of footage.'
According to Boston.com, a 17-year-old male has been arrested on charges of vandalizing historic Plymouth Rock.
The teenager, who has not been identified but who authorities say is from Plymouth, is being charged with 11 counts of felony vandalism to property and one count of misdemeanor trespassing on the Plymouth Rock Portico.
During the investigation, Boston.com reported police had to sift through hours of footage in order to pinpoint the perpetrator.
The historic rock was not the only local monument damaged during the apparent crime spree. Also damaged were the Pilgrim Maiden in Brewster Garden, the Forefathers monument on Allerton Street, four decorative scallop shells scattered through downtown and the waterfront.
The suspect also damaged a town map at the intersection of Main and North streets, and a memorial bench in Brewster Garden, according to Boston.com.
According to police, the community rallied in the wake of this destruction, cleaning up the entire area within 24 hours.
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