The One Thing You Need Lots Of This Weekend If Your Dieting
I've lost a little over two pounds in seven days. While it's nothing to get too excited about, at least the scale didn't go up. For that I'm grateful. As I said in an earlier post, I wasn't really strict with myself this week. I'm not sure if that's the correct approach...but it's what I did. And it seemed to least this week.
If you're dieting too, then you know probably know the weekend is a total danger zone. While not easy...weekdays might be a little easier to avoid junk food, snacks, and grazing while binge watching Netflix. So here's a tip for surviving the weekend, passed on to me by the people running our company weight loss challenge.
Drink plenty of water or other calorie-free beverages. It's easy to confuse thirst with hunger. I do it all the time...and I drink lots of water. The risk of confusing thirst for hunger is meaningless calories. Instead of picking up the chips...grab a glass of cold water. I know a lot of people hate plain try adding fresh lemon or lime juice. You can also brew infused teas like mango or peach. They have lots of flavor...but NO calories.
Have a great weekend. Drink your water. And look back here on Monday. I'll talk about ADDING food to your diet instead of taking it away!