This Is Not Tom Brady’s Last Season And We Know Because Of His Helmet
According to, the Goat was sporting a new helmet during practice recently. This signifies a lot more than just a change in headgear.
Brady's usual helmet is one of the models that was banned because it tested poorly in lab tests. However, the Patriots players that wore the banned helmets last year are allowed to wear them again this year. They are required to make the switch to the new model of helmet in 2019. So the fact that TB12 is making the switch now, suggests that he is in for next season!
Could Pats nation be looking into this a little too hard? Well, sure! Could Tom just want to make the switch to the newer helmet because it's safer? Most definitely! But as Patriots fans we can't bear to think about the day Tom hangs up his helmet for good. So let us hang on to this shred of hope, would ya?