This Millinocket Lake House Has a “River” Running Right Through It [VIDEOS]
It's no shock at all that Bruce Graybill, owner of Sider's Woodcrafting in Brewer, Maine, has almost 69,000 followers on TikTok and almost 400,000 likes, because the work he does is AMAZING.
He recently just posted a video in the Everything Maine group of Facebook showcasing a finished epoxy river running through a hardwood floor that he helped his best friend Mike create in a home in Millinocket. Fair warning, he said to not even bother asking how much money it cost, because it was expensive.
But after I did a little digging, I found Bruce's TikTok page where he actually outlined this entire process from start to finish, and it's INCREDIBLE.
While the first video doesn't show the cutting out of the floor, he dropped another video after explaining how he cut the hardwood to represent the flowing river.
What's really cool and special about this particular epoxy river floor is that it will double as an "eye spy" (you know -- "I spy with my little eye...) that is full of things you could find in a river, but also represent friendships that Mike has with various people, which is a REALLY cool and unique thing to do.
After lining the one side of the cut out with LED lights (which should look AMAZING in the dark), he carefully (like, with a Red Solo Cup carefully) laid out the sand and started placing decorations.
Once everything was laid out, it was time to start prepping and pouring the epoxy -- 34 GALLONS WORTH!
And you may think "oh cool, just pour the epoxy and all set!" -- except for the fact that after the first half of all that epoxy was poured, they METICULOUSLY went through every part of the river and removed any debris they didn't catch beforehand.
After making sure all the little unwanted debris like wood chips and stuff was removed, the rest of the epoxy was poured, and they tested the LED lights -- which, as predicted, look SO AMAZING in the dark!
How peaceful and serene does that look? Can you imagine just leaving work on a Friday after a hard week of work, jetting up to your lake house THAT HAS A RIVER (albeit epoxy) RUNNING RIGHT THROUGH IT, and sitting along the river at night with your family or friends, drinks in hand (cocktails and/or sodas) and just completely relaxing and detaching from the stresses of life? This is AMAZING work!
Here's a pretty cool time-lapse video of the whole project that Bruce posted, too.
As well as a couple of update videos, which show how clear the epoxy dried and the final sanding.
And here's the final top coat of epoxy being poured on -- it's almost super relaxing watching it poured and seeing the sanded, cloudy epoxy become clear again with the top coat pouring on, and then watching it expand the length of the cut out "river."
Have you ever seen the movie "Couples Retreat" where in different parts of their villa/room, they have floors that are actually windows into the sea? This reminds me SO MUCH of that! What a neat idea and honestly PERFECT for a lake house in Maine (or anywhere, really!)
Incredible job, Bruce!