Time for a Trip to the Islands, Star Island off the Rye Coast to Be Specific
Located 10 miles off the coast of Rye, NH sits some beautiful little islands. If you have never visited, try this summer, they are finally opening up again according to WMUR.com. This has been on my bucket list for a long time and this year I will be taking the ferry to check it out.
Ferries are up and Running
You can grab a ferry from Portsmouth for either a day or evening adventure out to Star Island. Only 10 miles of the coast of New Hampshire and it's like another world. The natural beauty is stunning, and it feels like you leave your troubles miles away when out on this isolated island. COVID precautions are still in place so visitors are asked to wear masks and keep social distance from others. According to WMUR.com, Star Island encourages vaccinations, I suppose that is a sign of things to come. They encouraged, not required. I am not scheduled for my second dose till next week. Then I have to wait 2 weeks to be fully protected.
Historic Site
Star Island was the most active fishing port on the East Coast back in the 17th century. The Island was home to some grand hotels back in the day. The Oceanic Hotels is operated by a nonprofit agency called Star Island Corporation. If you are planning a trip or even a stay on the island, make sure you check the website to stay up to date on all the late-breaking information. I plan on making the trip this summer.