This is the Best Elementary School in New Hampshire
The education of our children may be the single most important topic for any parent.
Education opens up the mind of a child exploring, learning, and comprehending critical thinking, creativity, and knowledge.
Parents have a responsibility to engage in quality time with their children, but often don't know exactly what's happening during the school hours. This isn't due to the teaching staff, but rather what the individual school and entire district offers.
For that reason, you may be interested to learn where the top elementary schools are in the Granite State.
New Hampshire, and the Northeast in general, has some of the best schools in the country, but there's one formative educational establishment which ranks at the top, according to
These "top-ranked schools are all high-achieving and have succeeded at educating all their students", says US News.
Proficiency in math and reading are a big part of the ranking, plus the teacher-to-student ratio and how well a school prepares its students for upper level grades like middle and high school.
In New Hampshire, the #1 ranked elementary school is a small suburban school with grades Pre-Kindergarten to 4th grade. The school is Rye Elementary School, and it is doing better than all the other schools in the district.
The report states Rye Elementary School student have a 92% proficiency rate in math and 87% in English, compared with the average for New Hampshire students overall at 49% proficiency in reading and 38% in math.
Second place was New Franklin School in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Here's the full list.
That's a lot to brag about for Rye, New Hampshire, and the entire school district. Congratulations, and keep studying.
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