Wakefield, New Hampshire Teacher Asks for Classroom Reassignment, Blames Students
I'd be surprised if this topic doesn't become so polarizing that not only will all of Wakefield be talking about it, but it'll spread throughout the state of New Hampshire and possibly throughout New England, too.
Because it's one of those topics that, while you'll probably fall on one side or the other, you may also clearly see the argument from both sides as well.
NH Teacher Asks for Reassignment
Let me preface this with the fact that I'm not using teacher names, school names, or even the name of the person I got this information from, because I'm not trying to blow up anyone's spot or career.
But last week while scrolling through social media, I came across a post from a friend that was blowing up involving a teacher in the Wakefield, NH School District. According to the post, the teacher had asked to be reassigned to a different classroom or a new position in general.
Apparently, the students in the class, after "numerous strategies" from the teacher and administration "to get the class to work together and function," refused to participate and learn.
After asking for the reassignment, the teacher sent an email home to students' parents outlining exactly what brought him or her to the decision.
There's obviously been no shortage of responses to this in the comments section of the original post. And it's actually easy to see how both sides of the argument make sense.
On the one hand, there are plenty of horror stories (and videos to back up those stories) of students being horribly disrespectful to their teachers, even going as far as to hit them based on what's floating out there on the internet.
But on the other hand, when you're a teacher, you know there's a chance you'll have tough classes. So you run into that, throw your hands up in the air and say "yeah, no thanks, I'm out" and ask for a reassignment? You quit because it gets a little hard?
Some of the comments my friend got on her post?
"I'm baffled what an inappropriate email for a teacher to send out I would contact the principal right away."
"Honestly if it was me as a parent I would be having a very big conversation with my kids of why they’re making their teacher feel like this. Because honestly a lot of people like to pass the blame to the teacher and that’s what’s wrong nowadays and why they can’t get the children under control."
"As unprofessional as this may be, it’s a clear cry for help."
"I would have many questions......is it a few individuals or literally all because if it's all they should review her methods and dig deeper as to why."
"Kids should be scared to disrespect their teachers that’s how I grew up."
"I would be shocked if I got an email like this from a teacher, I feel as though from an outsider non parent perspective - I would expect an email from the school principal or the superior of this teacher simply stating 'due to structural differences, we have made a conscious decision to reassign the class with a new teacher' … I AM sympathetic to the fact that sometimes educators and students don’t mesh, I can totally see that happening but this email is very passive aggressive to me and I’d be shocked to find out if the school allowed her to send out something like this."
Regardless, you couldn't pay me enough to be a teacher at this point. But also, teachers deserve way more of a salary than they make now, but that's an entirely different topic to tackle.
What would you do if you received this email from a teacher?
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