Want Tickets to the Sold-Out Brett Eldredge Show at the Hampton Beach Casino Ballroom?
Holy moly, I can't wait to see Brett at the Hampton Beach Casino Ballroom on Thursday, April 26! Tickets sold out in the blink of an eye, so tons of people who want to be there didn't get a chance to buy tickets. Are you one of them? Well, not all hope is lost my friend.
If you have the WOKQ app downloaded on your phone then you could win our last pair of tickets to the sold out show. Starting Monday 4/23, we will start sending you the inside scoop. So make sure you have the notifications turned on!
Not only could you and a guest win tickets to the show, you get a meet and greet, a tour of Brett's backstage area and tour merchandise. (UMMM...I'm jealous)
So if you don't have our app yet, this contest is reason enough to download that bad boy!