Watch Boy On Cape Cod Get The Scare Of His Life From A Shark
Seems every day we are getting more news of human encounters with these amazing creatures. The latest episode is a bit aggressive, but it’s just a shark being, well, a shark. Boston.com reports that a young man had the shock of his life when a Great White Shark breached the water taking the fish he had just caught right off the line in Cape Cod Bay.
It left me to wonder, was this ‘Jules’, the Great White the Atlantic White Shark Conservancy named as I mentioned in one of my recent blog posts? It was pretty small fish and the breached completely out of the water seemed a dramatic bit of showmanship on behalf of the shark. I can say one thing; Doug Nelson and his son Jack will never forget this day of fishing and they caught it all on video.
According to boston.com Marc Costa, Captain of the Orleans based fishing boat says they were about three miles west of Great Island in Wellfleet. Guess where I am not swimming?
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