White Haired Woman in Concord Steals Over $500 Worth of Julia Child’s Cookbooks
This should dispel any myths or preconceptions one might have about what a thief looks like.
According to the Concord Regional Crimeline, a woman described as older and with white hair stole about $500 worth of Julia Child's cookbooks from Gibson's Bookstore.
If you know this woman, or if someone who looks quite like her starts preparing wonderful French cuisine for you, you'll want to contact the Concord Regional Crimeline. According to their site, here's how:
"Anyone who has information relative to any criminal incident is asked to call the Concord Regional Crimeline at (603) 226-3100, or submit information online to the website at: www.concordregionalcrimeline.com, or Txt TIP234 and their message to CRIMES (274637). Crimeline awards cash to anyone whose information leads to the arrest and indictment of criminals. All tips remain anonymous."
Please, no profiling- we don't want people questioning every grandmother in Concord.
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