This 5-year-old recently helped save his mother's life on Mother's Day. Five years old. WOW!

According to WMUR TV, Nicole Phung had an asthma attack that sent her into cardiac arrest. Unfortunately, even though she was able to call for help, she couldn't talk to the dispatcher.  So that's when her 5-year-old took over.

Mitchell got on the phone and talked to the dispatcher to give their address and get help for his mom, the news station reported.

"Paramedics say asthma patients are really difficult to resuscitate," WMUR stated, and it’s been a long recovery for Nicole. She was sedated for five days afterward and had to go to rehab to relearn basic skills, the news station stated.

Nicole is back home again with her family, and the boys are so excited about doing their favorite things with her again.

And it's all thanks to this little guy for stepping up to help his mom. What a hero.

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