Final Week of the WOKQ Dollar Bill Game, Comics for K9’s is Just Days Away and Eric Church Brings “Outsiders” to New Hampshire
We're basically down to the last few days for you to qualify for the WOKQ Dollar Bill Game. The 'WOKQ Morning Waking Crewzer' will be given away November 1st at Honda Barn in Stratham.
By the way this car did climb Mt. Washington. We have the bumper sticker to prove it! (The bumper sticker is in the glove box!)
Comics for K9's is Friday
What's better than kicking back at the Music Hall in Portsmouth this Friday night and laughing your butt off? I can't think of a thing! Friday night get ready for Comics for K9's starring Lenny Clarke, Tony V and Jack Walsh. Proceeds benefit the Working Dog Foundation and the New Police K9 Academy
Everybody will see sunshine this morning, followed by afternoon clouds, 56...50 in the North Country.
Top News Stories
Getting better prepared for Ebola
Federal officials are strengthening readiness to deal with future cases of Ebola, even as worries ease for at least some people. A top government official says revised guidance calls for health workers treating Ebola patients to wear protective gear "with no skin showing" and work in a "buddy system." Meanwhile, a monitoring period has passed for many of those who had close contact with a man who died from Ebola in a Dallas hospital. And a quarantined cruise ship passenger, who's a hospital worker, has tested negative.
Clean up continues after riot in Keene
Keene State College students are cleaning up from a chaotic weekend after parties near the city's annual pumpkin festival turned violent. Dozens of people were injured and arrested as crowds overturned cars, set fires and hurled bottles at police, who responded with riot gear and tear gas.
Maine prisoner dies
A prison inmate serving a sentence for a manslaughter conviction has died at a hospital. Authorities say 51-year-old Steven Holloway died yesterday at Pen Bay Medical Center in Rockport. He was an inmate of the Maine State Prison in Warren. Authorities have not released details of his death.
Stupid News
A stuffed toy company has sold out of 'Ebola!."
Joke du Jour
A college athletic director and his staff were meeting with a potential recruit. They were worried this person would not meet the school's academic admission requirements so they gave him a quiz:
"What's 3 plus 3?"
"OK, not bad, he's only off by three!"
Tuesday's Big Morning Broadcast
Tickets to Thursday night's concert at Verizon Wireless Arena with Eric Church!
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