Have You Seen a Healthy Looking Bobcat Around Dover, New Hampshire?
Be on the lookout for a bobcat in Dover, NH.
According to a Facebook post from the Strafford County Sherrif's Office, there was a bobcat in the area of County Farm Cross Road around noontime Friday, September 3.
As you can see from the pictures, it's a healthy cat! The post said it's not a general threat, however, people should be aware that it's around.
This beautiful animal looks like it eats well, so I wouldn't worry too much.
According to DesertUSA.com, here are some tips if you encounter a bobcat:
- Immediately protect children and pets
- Back away from the bobcat slowly and deliberately
- Avoid running away because that could trigger a pursuit response
- If possible, spray the animal with water
- When possible make a lot of noise (banging pans, for instance, or blowing an air horn)
The website also states that an attack from a bobcat is rare. If the bobcat approaches you, it is most likely rabid.
The website also says if you see this bobcat in the area, report it immediately so authorities can remove it from where it could do harm to people or pets.
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