Maine Beaches

There are plenty of amazing things about Maine, and one of the things that ranks toward the top of the list is the picturesque coastline that stretches for miles and miles, which houses some of the most beautiful beaches in the country.

Long and Short Sands in York, Old Orchard, Ogunquit, Wells, Sand, Goose Rocks -- you name 'em, and they all reek of awesomeness and beauty in their own way. But one Maine beach in particular also reeks of a special surprise buried deep beneath the sand.

Google Maps / Photo by Sam Warren on Unsplash
Google Maps / Photo by Sam Warren on Unsplash

Popham Beach

In Phippsburg, Maine, lies a beach that is routinely considered one of the most popular beaches to visit amongst Mainers and people from away -- Popham Beach. The beauty, the location, the vibe -- it's just a perfect storm that everyone truly loves.

And according to a recent post to the Bath-West Bath-Phippsburg Photography page on Facebook, that's also the Maine beach where treasures are buried beneath the sand, including what is said by one Mainer to be a 1966 Plymouth and a 1966 Ford Convertible.

Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash
Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

The whole conversation started when a man named Jeff Spicer asked a simple question in the Facebook group.

Anyone remember where the cars are buried at Popham Beach?

The question sparked a bunch of Mainers helping answer Jeff's question, pointing out the aforementioned cars were believed to be buried at Popham Beach, as well as hundreds of others in an attempt to save the beach from erosion.

According to some Mainers who commented on the post, a majority of the cars are believed to be buried at the former "White Spot," which is now an area covered in both newly built cottages and boulders, according to commenting Mainers.

Google Maps
Google Maps

Another Mainer who commented on the post, Deke Pilgrim, believes the cars are buried in front of the old Ocean View Park Campground.

Regardless, it may be worth bringing a metal detector to Popham Beach next summer and investigating for yourself. Who knows, you could drive off the beach in a classic!

The 10 Maine Beaches That You Love The Most

Gallery Credit: Jeff Parsons

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