Maine Town Might Evict Family Pig From His House
There is a chance Wilbur the pig might have to leave his warm home in Gorham this winter.
Some believe Wilbur shouldn't be living in a residential neighborhood. According the Journal Tribune, the town of Gorham's Planning Board’s ordinance subcommittee will decide the fate of Wilbur the miniature pig. Gorham's Town Council, after hearing from its ordinance committee last year, forwarded a proposed code change to the Planning Board that would allow farm animals of less than 50 pounds to live on small lots. This week, the Planning Board voted 4-0 to shift the situation to its own ordinance subcommittee for review.
Wilbur, who is a little over year old, and weighs 25 pounds, was found to be in violation of a town ordinance about farm animals on small residential lots. As a result, he's faced with being evicted from the property. Owner Cassidy St. Jernquist sought the Town Council’s help to keep her family’s pet, as Wilbur isn't considered a farm animal. According to the Journal Tribune, the Town Council proposed amending an existing ordinance regulating farm animals. “One animal, under 50 pounds at maturity, may be kept on a lot area of under 40,000 square feet.” If someone were to complain in the future, it would fall on Code Enforcement Officer Freeman Abbott.
This would mean Wilbur can stay, for now.