Some days I just scratch my head and wonder what in the world has gone wrong. This is one of those times.

According to the the Cape Cod Times, a woman named Patricia O'Donnell, was busted in Hyannis, Massachusetts over the weekend for drunk driving. The cops took her off to jail, and they called a tow truck company to come out to get her car.

The towing company sent out a driver named Brandon Fenton to get it. However, it turns out that Brandon had clearly had a few drinks before he got there. The Cape Cod Times says a reporter saw him swerve over the solid white line, go off the road, and nearly hit a pole.

The guy who owns the Hyannis News recorded the everything on his truck's dash cam, and then posted it on Youtube, according to the Cape Cod Times. Needless to say Brandon got popped for DUI and a few other charges.

I have a feeling the driver that went to get the car...and the tow truck...had to take a pee test before they let him leave the garage!


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