My Two Year Anniversary Seems Like a Great Excuse to Show You Photos From My Wedding
Whoa! In some ways two years has flown by and in other ways these have been the longest two years of my life. Huh? What do you mean, Kira? Do you hate being married to Steven? No! Hear me out. SO much has happened that would not qualify my first years of marriage as "wedded bliss". Steven and I dealt with a traumatic accident when he was hit by a car back in April of 2018. We had only been married for six months when everything changed in the blink of an eye. He was wheel chair bound for many months and our lives were consumed by surgeries, PT appointments, and lawyers. Not exactly sunshine and rainbows!
Then when the hard stuff finally seemed behind us, hello global pandemic! And I don't have to tell you what a dumpster fire this year has been. But all things considered, I still feel lucky every single day to go through life with my best friend. I know the hard days will make the good ones even better because we have earned them! And things haven't been all bad. We went to Spain and moved to fabulous apartment in Portsmouth, New Hampshire.
An anniversary seemed like a good excuse to relive my wedding day with you because why not? Come with me to Mashpee, Massachusetts. The date is October 6th, 2018, and it is an unseasonably warm and sunny day for Cape Cod in October.
My bridesmaids helped me get ready. My sister-in-law Holly helped me put on my shoes! Here we are in a completely natural and candid moment. (lol that is sarcasm)
First look time. Here I am, Steven! Let's do this thingy!
Here I am with my beautiful bridesmaids. And look at my little flower girls, could they be any cuter? I think not!
Steven had just stomped on the glass. "MAZEL TOV!"
I had a choreographed father daughter dance with my dad which was described as something you would see on "Dancing with the Stars". Granted the person who said that is Steven's Uncle Gary. He is very easy to impress.
We love an excuse for a food fight!
My dear friend Sarah made the most beautiful speech. I ugly cried.
Sigh....what a magical day! Thanks for taking a peek at these photos. If you are interested in the photographer we used for the big day his name is Wayne. He is EXTREMELY talented and just a really nice human. I can't recommend him enough. Check out more of his work at LoveDays Photography.
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