New Hampshire’s State Raptor Was Hanging Around Our Coworker’s Backyard
One of the many perks of living in New Hampshire is the wildlife we encounter. Sometimes these encounters can be up close and personal! My coworker Hilary spotted this beautiful creature hanging out in her backyard in New Market, New Hampshire. She believes it is a Young Red-Tailed Hawk. (bird enthusiasts, feel free to chip in and correct me)
Here are some more photos she captured. Isn't she an awesome photographer?
If this is indeed a Young Red-Tailed Hawk it's very exciting! Four years ago a class of fourth graders at Hampton Falls wished to pass a bill designating the Red-Tail Hawk as the official state raptor of New Hampshire. They were denied by lawmakers because the bird is too violent. Well, just last month New Hampshire lawmakers were singing a new bird song and voted in favor of the bill. According to NHPR, the class, who is now in the 8th grade, wore shirts that said: "Our Second Try to Live Free & Fly" to celebrate!