We've all been waiting for this day. Stay at home orders are over as of today, and by tonight even the limit on gatherings will be done. But are you ready?
Everything from gyms, to restaurants, to hair salons are now ready for business but are you ready to go there? I've been talking to a lot of friends about this and it seems like a lot of people are still really nervous.
It's one thing to know you have the ability to go sit in a restaurant for a meal again, and another to actually do it. The same for working out at a gym. My biggest hesitation has been going to a nail salon. I refuse to wear sandals until I can get a pedicure (you're welcome!) but I'm just not sure how comfortable I feel with direct contact.
According to NHPR, here's what's open as of today:
-Indoor dining at restaurants...tables will be six feet apart. In specific counties where Covid-19 rates were high, they will be limited to 50% capacity.
-Museums, Art Galleries -all 50% capacity
NHPR also reports that many outdoor attractions are now open including:
"golf courses, driving ranges, mini-golf, biking, canoe and kayak rentals, outdoor shooting ranges, small fishing charters, paintball, and outdoor guiding services for fishing, hunting, and hiking, petting zoo"
Wedding venues are now also opened as of today, although dancing is recommended only between family members and people you live with, according to NHPR.
So, restrictions are lifted. I'm planning on venturing back out...slowly. Are you ready to get back out there?
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