Christmas was just eight days ago, but it's clear people in Maine and New Hampshire have had enough!

I looked out the window yesterday, and saw three of my neighbors dragging their Christmas tree to the curb. Then I thought to myself...what the heck...I'll do the same.
So my wife pulled off all the ornaments, and I tossed our tree on the curb next to my neighbor's trees.

Today...a clean purge. We'll box up the Santa's, the snowmen, and all of the other holiday decorations, toss the cards...and our regular life will resume. And while it feels just a bit early...lots of people have already ditched the Christmas trimmings. Many of them didn't waste any time at all. See what I mean...

When will you take down your Christmas decorations?

However, a lot of people are holding on to the joy of the season for as long as they can. Take a look.

Whether the tree is on the curb or you leave the decorations up all month, I hope you had an amazing holiday. Happy New Year!


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