People of NH Get Really Creative When They Have a Snowy Windshield and No Snow Brush
So the day of the dreaded "Bomb Cyclone", I walked out to the parking lot after the show to warm up my car up and gear up for my commute home. I opened my trunk to grab my snow brush and alas it was nowhere to be found! I had a flashback of lending it to a pal a few weekends back and I never asked for it back. "NOOOOOOO!!!!" I exclaimed to no one in particular.
It was time to get resourceful. I looked in my back seat and found my gym bag with my work out clothes and sneakers inside. I began attempting to scrape the ice off my windshield with the rubber sole of my sneaker. A sad sight indeed. It was then that Bill Fox came out of the building and gave me a look of pity. He lent me his snow brush like the good soul that he is.
So obviously we talked about this ordeal on air and found out I am not the only person who has used something, other than a snowbrush, in a pinch! Here are some items that people in NH have made into impromptu snow brushes:
A Magazine
A Credit Card
A Broom
One's Sleeve
Dust Pan
Along with a shoe, I have also used a banana, a textbook (college days) and an umbrella. Is there anything you have used as an impromptu snow brush that isn't on this list?