Rochester, NH, Church, Serves Up Delicious American Chop Suey to Those in Need
During these crazy Covid times, more people are dealing with food insecurity than ever before. People who never dreamed of being in this position are uncertain where there next meal will come from. This pandemic may be making you feel defeated, depressed, or at the very least bored. According to the Mayo Clinic, studies prove that volunteering leads to lower rates of depression, especially for individuals 65 and older. Volunteering increases social interaction and helps build a support system based on common interests
So where can you volunteer? Did you know the Rochester Fellowship Kitchen at The First United Methodist Church in Rochester, NH, provides free meals at 5PM on Tuesdays, Thursdays & Sundays. Guests typically receive a "take home bag" of assorted foods thanks to the generosity of Hannaford Supermarkets. in fact, tonight they are serving American Chop Suey that was most certainly made with love.
Ed Jerlinski posted this picture of his wife (I think?) whipping up enough suey to feed 60 to 90 people.
Want the recipe? Ask and you shall receive:
- 12lbs hamburger
- 12 boxes Barilla macaroni
- 8 medium onions
- 5 cloves garlic
- Oregano
- Basil
- Oregano
- Salt
Rochester Fellowship Kitchen is always looking for volunteers so send them a message on Facebook if you are interested.