
Looking for Coffee With a Real Kick?
Looking for Coffee With a Real Kick?
Looking for Coffee With a Real Kick?
If you're like me, when you wake up in the morning, you need coffee. And I don't mean just a cup of warm, brown water in a cup. I mean caffeinated go-go juice that's going to kick you in the butt and jumpstart your day.
Tom Brady Has Never Had Coffee
Tom Brady Has Never Had Coffee
Tom Brady Has Never Had Coffee
If you want to be the greatest quarterback of all time and marry a supermodel, put down that Coffee Frappuccino. That's the only thing holding you back.
Pumpkin Peeps!
Pumpkin Peeps!
Pumpkin Peeps!
You know summer is winding down when all things pumpkin spice make their way into the stores. Now comes word that Peeps are getting in on the P-Spice game. Yeah, I just called it p-spice.
Hangover Tips
Hangover Tips
Hangover Tips
Nobody wants a hangover, but sometimes we get stupid when we're getting stupid. Here's how to be smarter about all this.
Frozen Coffee Experiment [VIDEO]
Frozen Coffee Experiment [VIDEO]
Frozen Coffee Experiment [VIDEO]
It was cold this morning. Really, really cold. So we figured, hey, let's see how long it will take for hot cup of coffee to freeze!

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