Does the Aerial View of Oxford Plains Speedway Look Like the Pringles Guy to You?Does the Aerial View of Oxford Plains Speedway Look Like the Pringles Guy to You?Someone took a close look at Oxford Plains Speedway in Maine from above, and it bears a striking similarity to the Pringles guy.JoeyJoey
Pringles Bringing Back A Favorite. Here's Where To Find It In NH.Pringles Bringing Back A Favorite. Here's Where To Find It In NH.I grew up eating Pringles. I suppose if I'm being completely honest...I grew up HOOKED on the things. Bill FoxBill Fox
Am I The Only Person Who Can’t Wait to Try Top Ramen Flavored Pringles?Am I The Only Person Who Can’t Wait to Try Top Ramen Flavored Pringles?Along with T-bone steak and wasabi seaweed flavors, Pringles has come out with what I believe to be their most exciting flavor yet.KiraKira