For many, February is considered the most brutal month of winter. Well, no one told 2018, because New Hampshire is headed for the 50's this week! Do these five things to break up your winter!
5. 'Tude Up, Windows Down - You've had 2 straight months of driving with your car sealed tight. Hec...
Vacation. The word gets me excited. I immediately think about exotic far away beaches in Mexico or the Caribbean. But this year I decided to do my very first "staycaytion."
With the mercury pushing toward 90 today, it seemed like the perfect day to get to the beach. So I jumped in the car and made the short drive from Dover to Hampton Beach. And from the looks of things today...everyone else had the same idea.
Sometimes it is too easy to forget the unbelievably awesome stuff that NASA does-- then they go ahead and share a video like this and you go "oh yeah".