Was That George Clooney Spotted in Massachusetts Hiding Behind His Mask?
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Who is that masked man? Could it be… George Clooney? It is!
According to WCVB.com, Clooney was seen in Ipswich, Massachusetts, reportedly scouting out locations for a new film based on the book “The Tender Bar: A Memoir.”
I gotta say if I owned a villa at Lake Como in Italy, I would never leave, so kudos to Clooney for getting out there and still working. Movies are his passion, and I suppose we all need a purpose in life.
WCVB.com says The Salem News reported the Clooney sighting at Marcorelle’s Fine Wine and Beer on Central Street on Monday. The Salem News reports that Leah Smith, Manager of Marcorelle’s Fine Wine and Beer says it appears that they are checking out several North Shore sites for the new film.
Is it me or have we had a lot of A-list celebrity sightings in the Mass area.
I recently reported on Leo DiCaprio and his girlfriend out and about town spotted shopping for a New Year’s Eve feast.
I was happy to see Clooney as being masked up. He sets a great example, but I suppose as a celebrity he must be happy about masking as it makes a celebs life easier to remain undercover. Even with a mask, there is no hiding he is George Clooney!
It seems that the Massachusetts area has replaced Hollywood as a great place to film but with infection rates in the Los Angeles area, I suppose it may be a bit easier. Stay Safe!
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