Flag Day: 5 Facts that May Shock You About the American Flag and Star Spangled Banner
Since yesterday was Flag Day, here are 5 facts that may shock you about the Stars and Stripes.
5. Did you know there is no credible evidence to prove Betsy Ross had a hand in designing the first made the American Flag?According to History channel...
An 1871 pamphlet enthusiastically not only credited Betsy Ross for designing the first U.S. flag, but for coming up with the name "United States of America" and writing a hymn that was the basis for the French anthem "La Marseillaise." (There is no evidence to support either of those claims.)
4. Flag Day is NOT a Federal holiday
In 1916 Pres. Woodrow Wilson proclaimed June 14 as the official date for Flag Day, and in 1949 the U.S. Congress permanently established the date as National Flag Day. Although Flag Day is not an official federal holiday, Pennsylvania celebrates the day as a state holiday.
3. The American Flag planted on the moon in 1969 cost NASA under $6.00
Believe it or not, according to Dennis Lacarrubba, his New Jersey-based company, Annin, made the flag and sold it to NASA for $5.50 in 1969!
2. The Star Spangled Banner is a drinking song?
Composer Francis Scott Key borrowed a popular melody for a song in praise of wine back in his day. This is long before copyright laws came to be! The Star Spangled Banner was actually written as a poem called 'Defense of Fort M'Henry.'
1. The first sporting event to hear the 'Star Spangled Banner' was a baseball game
The anthem was performed at the first World Series in 1903 in Boston.
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