Topsham First Grader Got in Trouble at Lunch for the Most Hysterical Reason
What's that saying? Out of the mouths of babes? Yeah, this is not that.
I remember this like it was yesterday and when it popped up in Jamie's Facebook memories, she reminded me that I shared it back in 2015. I asked if I could share it again. She said that I absolutely could. Yay!
Let's set the stage. It's first grade, and little Ahren is having lunch with friends in the Woodside Elementary school's cafeteria. This is NOT a picture of Ahren or his friends. It's a mood-setter.
That's when Ahren decides to well, discuss the size of his 'manhood'. Actually, I guess at that age, it would be his 'boyhood'. This is the disciplinary action taken.
Well, back in 2015 I asked Jamie (mom) if I could share this. Apparently, this was not appreciated as Jamie explains...
The principal was NOT happy. Oh well. If he had offered to SHOW it to anyone or actually SHOWN it, I would have been on board with discipline. He was 7 and quietly told ONE friend at the lunch table. A quiet conversation about appropriate sharing and maybe some redirection may have been in order. Instead, he was isolated from his peers and made to sit and each lunch in the office and came home with this written "white slip" for bad behavior. Talk about an overreaction.
Well, it's probably not going to re-upset the principal as Ahren is going to be a sophomore next year at Harpswell Coastal Academy. According to his mom, 'He no longer wishes to talk about the size of his manhood and finds this story hilarious.'
I live with teenage boys who were once in the first grade and I would call this a Tuesday. Thanks for sharing Jamie! It was funny back in 2015 and it's still funny today.
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