Of course, we all know of countless reasons why New England is better than the rest of the United States, but did you know one of the many reasons is how pet-friendly New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Maine are?

According to safewise.com, those three states made the top 10 of the safest states for pets according to a recent study conducted by SafeWise.  What makes New Hampshire score high?  Our access to pet-friendly hiking trails and the availability to travel with your pet.  Dogs are accepted at so many hotels, vacation rentals and even local eateries.  Other than wolf-hybrids we also welcome all breeds of dog.

Rhode Island makes the list for its many dog-friendly trails and their broad allowance for many types of service animals.  Maine ranks high for its countless pet-friendly travel locations and tons of dog beaches.  Maine is also on the leaderboard for its numerous no-kill shelters and a high population of veterinarians.

As the Fourth of July approaches, it’s a good time to be aware of summer safety tips for our favorite four-legged friends.  Many dogs have high anxiety about fireworks.

My dog Buddy is terrified, and I make sure to keep him indoors with lots of love and support while the celebrations are happening.  No fireworks around Buddy!  Summer can stress a dog.  Make sure you know their hiking limits.  Keep plenty of fresh water available and check the surface temperature of that black top you are walking on.  If it burns your bare feet, it can do serious damage to a pet’s paws so stay safe and keep cool!




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