Okay, I am fully prepared that people might come for me for this one. But I cannot be the only one feeling frustration from this perfect storm of construction that has been happening in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, as of late!

I'd like to preface this rant by saying I am not a Portsmouth resident nor do I work there. I'm in Portsmouth around twice to three times a week for various errands/obligations. If you are someone who's daily commute is affected by this detour, you are validated in feeling way more annoyed than I am.

There is no rule for how long a detour can exist. Of course it is highly dependent on the work being done to cause this detour in the first place. In July we were informed by the Portsmouth New Hampshire Police Department that Maplewood Ave would be closing due to bridge repairs.

That's totally fine! Seems reasonable to me. We certainly don't want to be driving over an unsafe bridge. We shall seek alternate routes!

The problem is with Bartlett Street being under construction simultaneously, the alternate routes we've been able to seek throughout this process have been limited. Then you have the construction on Islington Street thrown into the mix which adds another layer of chaos.

The people of Portsmouth have been voicing their displeasure and Portsmouth City Hall responded by saying Unfortunately, neither project could wait. The short term pain of these detours/construction will hopefully pay off with a much improved streetscape and underground infrastructure that will last 100 years.

As far as our short term pain, when will it end?

The City of Portsmouth is good about updating us on where they are in this project. As of now it states the construction will run through November of 2024. If that is true, we can suck it up for a few more weeks, right?

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