Stephen King Series Set in MA Cancelled By Hulu
Well, it's that time of year when television executives decide which shows are on the chopping block.
Unfortunately, one of those shows is a Stephen King series which has been filming in Orange, MA. I go through this town most weekends when I go to visit my son. It's a beautiful location right on Route 2.
Castle Rock is a Stephen King inspired streaming show that runs on Hulu. The town of Orange was used to pass as the fictional town of Castle Rock, Maine.
According to, the show will end its run following Season 2 on Hulu. It first debuted back in 2017.
The cool thing about the fictional town of Castle Rock is that it has appeared in more than two dozen of Stephen King's books, including The Dead Zone and Cujo.
The series, from Stephen King and J.J. Abrams, centers around a "feud between warring clans came to a boil when budding psychopath Annie Wilkes, King’s nurse from hell, got waylaid in Castle Rock, according to Deadline.
The show actually looks really good, so I'm going to give it a shot even though I know I'll only get two seasons. I usually find shows pretty late, but I have to admit that I love being able to binge watch and not have to wait every week for a new episode.
While we're talking about Stephen KIng shows based on his books, I highly recommend Mr. Mercedes which is currently on the Peacock network. It's also based on Stephen King's novel of the same name and it's really, really good.
In the meantime, enjoy Castle Rock while you can!