It's Cyber Monday! Here's a list of some great deals we've found for you. We'll update this page all day long with more awesome deals as we find them, so be sure to check back with us throughout the day!
Here are direct links to some popular Walmart Cyber Monday categories
Bed Bath and Beyond has joined the growing list of retailers struggling to keep up in a world dominated by Amazon. Stocks have hit a 10 year low, and if the trend continues, restructuring may be in order.
Last week, New Hampshire was clever in submitting their proposal for Amazon's second HQ. They stated the online giant should choose our "Live Free Or Die" lifestyle over the "congested, decaying roads" of Boston. Hey, it's always smart to expose he competition's weakness...
Back in 2010, Bill Gates and Warren Buffett started something called The Giving Pledge, where they promised to give away most of their money to charity throughout their lives. According to Business Insider, 14 more billionaires just signed on.