Baby Raccoon in Maine Needs Help After Entire Family Hit by CarBaby Raccoon in Maine Needs Help After Entire Family Hit by CarA nonprofit rescue in Maine shared the unfortunate tale of an orphaned baby raccoon and the need for donations to support the small animal.JoeyJoey
WATCH: Raccoon Orders a Dunkin' Donut at the Drive-ThruWATCH: Raccoon Orders a Dunkin' Donut at the Drive-ThruWhen they say "America Runs on Dunkin," that includes raccoons.Jon RinemanJon Rineman
SEE IT: Hero New England Mom Saves Young Child From Wild Animal SEE IT: Hero New England Mom Saves Young Child From Wild Animal Here's how a quick-thinking mom and her brave daughter fought off an unexpected and unwanted visitor.Jon RinemanJon Rineman
WATCH: Maine Police Successfully Rescue a Raccoon From DrowningWATCH: Maine Police Successfully Rescue a Raccoon From DrowningMembers of the Yarmouth Police Department recently came to the aid of a raccoon stuck in a catch basin.MegMeg
Amherst, NH, Company Develops Wheelchair for Injured Baby RaccoonAmherst, NH, Company Develops Wheelchair for Injured Baby RaccoonHow sweet is this?KiraKira
Rye Police Discover New Hampshire's Most Adorable Hitchhikers Rye Police Discover New Hampshire's Most Adorable Hitchhikers It's a really good thing someone checked their vehicle before heading out. Andy AustinAndy Austin
Local Hospital Charges Dover Couple $52K for Rabies TreatmentLocal Hospital Charges Dover Couple $52K for Rabies TreatmentAnyone who has had the misfortune of trying to sort out the byzantine mess that is a typical hospital bill can surely relate to a Dover couple that received a bill for $52,000 while trying to avoid getting rabies.RoyRoy