New Hampshire State Police have yet one more accolade to be proud of.  In addition to protecting travelers on state roads and protecting citizens, we can now add "one of the best looking state police cruisers" to the long list of proud moments.

The national competition was fierce with some of the bigger and sunnier states boasting brighter and bigger vehicles, but the Granite State police vehicles are true to New Hampshire, with dark green and yellow matching the wilderness we fight so hard to protect.

This year's voting put New Hampshire at #13, which just made the 13-month calendar featuring "America’s Best Looking Trooper Cruisers".  The contest was sponsored by the American Association of State Trooper (AAST).  The cruisers have to look good on the outside but also be installed with the latest working technology, and New Hampshire came out as one of the best.

You can read more about the process here, as Massachusetts scored high as well.

Do you want to order one?  Sure you do.  Then go to to get yours.  It's a topic of conversation every time someone spots this in your office or on your wall.  Gear-heads aren't the only ones who appreciate great-looking vehicles. It's also a sense of pride for the state police.

Congratulations to the New Hampshire State Police who had more votes than New York, Vermont, and Maine state police combined.

If you are curious about the #1 best looking cruiser for 2023, check out this blog at

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LAFAYETTE, La.. For many, getting pulled over by law enforcement can be an uncomfortable experience. Because knowing better leads to doing better, we're exploring the do's and don'ts of getting pulled over.

Gallery Credit: Ryan Valenzuela

America's Best Looking Police Cruisers

Here are some of the finest State police cruisers in the Country but only 1 can be named the "Best Looking Cruiser in the Nation". Not every state submitted for this contest but New York did. Cast your vote for our State Troopers HERE.

Gallery Credit: Michael Karolyi

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