Maine COVID-19 Outbreak Tied to Wedding Reception
Again, we cannot be too careful when it comes to the virus. We may be tired of the virus, but the virus is not tired of us. It’s looking for hosts and it found some at a Maine wedding reception. According to reporting from boston.com, 24 people have tested positive for the coronavirus after attending a wedding reception at the Big Moose Inn. This is the first outbreak in Maine that is associated with a social gathering and not related to a long-term care facility or a workplace.
According to Millinocket Town Manager John Davis, who closed the town hall and local schools “We didn’t want to take any chances,” per reporting from boston.com. The Maine Gov. executive order limits indoor gatherings to 50 people indoors or 100 outdoors. Even at these gatherings, masks must be worn when not eating and all those that attend these gatherings should maintain social distancing guidelines. Violations of the executive order can incur a fine of up to $10,000.
The outbreak is being investigated but it is unclear at this time of the Big Moose Inn violated the executive order or how many people were in attendance at the wedding reception. It’s just another reminder to not let our guard down. According to boston.com, Maine has had close to 4,200 hundred cases of coronavirus and 127 deaths associated with COVID-19. Even in a state with a low infection rate, it only takes one person to spread the disease. Don’t let your guard down. Wear a mask, wash your hands, and maintain social distance.