NH Governor Looks Like Western Cowboy on His Latest Trip to the Grocery Store
Governor Sununu is a friend of 'Chio and Kira in the Morning'. He has been kind enough to call into the show to give us updates on how this pandemic is affecting us in the Granite State.
His most recent Twitter post is pretty awesome. His grocery store get up is a sight to behold:
Governor Sununu said how strange it was to walk around the grocery store without being recognized! He joked that he might continue to rock this look for Market Basket trips even when the pandemic is behind us. Oh and by the way, the answer to his riddle is option 5).
The Governor had a hopeful tone in his voice as he spoke about the adjustments we have made to our everyday lives. He is optimistic that we will come out of this experience stronger and better for it.
Oh, and one more thing! We found out that when the Governor buys brand new underwear he doesn't wash them before wearing them. But then again, who does?! All in all it was an enlightening conversation. Thank you Governor Sununu for taking the time to speak to our WOKQ listeners this morning.
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